The Van Trump Report


Managing Stress is Critical for Making Good Decisions

Most of us are currently under enormous pressure with stress hitting particularly hard on two fronts – the health of ourselves and loved ones, and our financial situations. Stress and anxiety are understandably off the charts but it’s more important now than ever that we manage them in order to avoid making BIG mistakes we’ll …

Managing Stress is Critical for Making Good Decisions Read More »

Worries About the Economy, A Few Bright Spots of Opportunity, and Conversation with Legendary Grain Trader Tommy “Carp” Rinaudo

Kevin Van Trump and Andy Daniels have legendary grain trader, Tommy “Carp” Rinaudo, as a guest on the show to talk about worries about the economy, a few bright spots of opportunity, COVID-19 updates, and commodity strategies as we move forward. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

This is Where We Show the World the Importance of U.S. Agriculture!

KVT’s Rant… I understand there are a ton of complicated moving parts and pieces that most inside the trade want to argue about. I’ve been told one of my main strengths as a thinker and an investor is taking the complicated, dumbing it down and making it simple. Bottom-line, I’m starting to think coronavirus could …

This is Where We Show the World the Importance of U.S. Agriculture! Read More »

Coronavirus Fallout is a Heavy Burden for Commodity Bulls

Corn bulls are really feeling the pressure from the fallout in the outside macro space particularly the negative headlines associated with crude oil and now massive demand uncertainties. I continue to hear talk that there will be serious bloodshed and carnage in the ethanol sector. I suspect several plants simply don’t make it out of …

Coronavirus Fallout is a Heavy Burden for Commodity Bulls Read More »