The Van Trump Report


Interesting Longer-Term Trends Impacting the Dairy Industry… Think About Changes That Will Be Hitting Your Industry As Well!

The dairy sector has struggled with low milk prices and rapid consolidation in the industry that continues to force producers out of business. There has been even greater complications in the wake of COVID-19. Farm bankruptcies jumped by nearly +20% in 2019, and Wisconsin, a top dairy-producing state, had the most. I suspect the bankruptcy …

Interesting Longer-Term Trends Impacting the Dairy Industry… Think About Changes That Will Be Hitting Your Industry As Well! Read More »

Report Highlights Critical Rural Transportation Infrastructure Needs

Rural infrastructure has been in need of major rehabilitation for years and there are real concerns that the coronavirus pandemic could make the situation even worse. The sharp drop-off in travel alone is expected to rip a hole in state and local transportation revenues, in turn likely adding even more projects to the backlog already …

Report Highlights Critical Rural Transportation Infrastructure Needs Read More »

What You Need to Know… Significant Changes to the USDA’s Rules for GE Crops

The U.S. Department of Agriculture recently finalized a major overhaul of biotech regulations that will exempt many genetic modifications from the lengthy regulatory approval process. This is the first significant change to the agency’s rules for GE crops since it was put in place over thirty years ago. USDA claims the “Sustainable, Ecological, Consistent, Uniform, …

What You Need to Know… Significant Changes to the USDA’s Rules for GE Crops Read More »

PLEASE READ… Bringing NEW Innovation and Low-Cost Solutions to American Farm Families

Technological advancements are coming in huge waves and creating massive changes in agriculture. American farm families are being increasingly disrupted every day. I believe I have some insight and solutions that will not only make your farm more competitive today, but at the same time, help you build a better bridge to the future for …

PLEASE READ… Bringing NEW Innovation and Low-Cost Solutions to American Farm Families Read More »

What You Need to Know… Stiff Competition from “Fake Meats” to Increase

There was a report circulating inside the trade yesterday that “Record Sums of Money Flowed Into Alternative Meats in First Quarter.” As I’ve been saying for the past couple of years, if millennials and other investors are going to keep throwing huge sums of money in that direction, those companies are going to be able …

What You Need to Know… Stiff Competition from “Fake Meats” to Increase Read More »

Corona Recovery, Deepening Debt, and Opportunities Ahead with special guest Michael Lewitt

Michael Lewitt is the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer of Third Friday Management, LLC a hedge fund, private equity and merchant banking firm located in South Florida. He is also the Chief Investment Officer of the Platinum Group USA Ltd., a merchant banking firm focused on investments in the Middle East and Asia. …

Corona Recovery, Deepening Debt, and Opportunities Ahead with special guest Michael Lewitt Read More »