The Van Trump Report


Rains Fail to Revive Argentina’s Soybean Crop

Soybean producers in Argentina have had a rough growing season with the La Niña weather pattern bringing both too much and too little moisture. Similar to the same trends seen across Brazil, the Southern Hemisphere’s winter and spring brought overly dry conditions that delayed planting and development of Argentina’s oilseed crops. Things looked like they …

Rains Fail to Revive Argentina’s Soybean Crop Read More »

Digitizing Agriculture to Optimize Farm Decision-Making and Boost Efficiency

Arable is building a community to share knowledge and advance agricultural innovation on the farm. The company enables farmers to digitize and optimize their decisions by providing data on how weather and other factors affect yield, quality, and harvest timing. It measures everything of importance to crops–weather, soil, and even the plant itself–using a set …

Digitizing Agriculture to Optimize Farm Decision-Making and Boost Efficiency Read More »

READ – Paying Close Attention to Russia/Ukraine Relations

Russia’s military has been building up near Ukraine and Putin is claiming ownership over more of the region’s sea and air. With Russia staging more military exercises in the Black Sea and massing thousands of forces at or around the Ukraine border, the trade starts to become a bit more nervous about global uncertaintiy. The office …

READ – Paying Close Attention to Russia/Ukraine Relations Read More »

“Oxitec” to Release First Genetically Modified Mosquitoes in U.S.

Oxitec has spent the last decade trying to release its genetically modified mosquitoes in the U.S., a bid the company finally won last summer. This spring, the bugs will be released in the Florida Keys where it’s hoped they can help reduce the mosquito population and by extension, the spread of potentially deadly diseases that …

“Oxitec” to Release First Genetically Modified Mosquitoes in U.S. Read More »

Brazil’s Second Crop Corn Troubles…What You Need to Know

Brazil’s corn crop has been one of the most closely watched in all of agriculture this season as weather has wreaked havoc on the country’s growing regions. Brazil’s unusual three-crop cycle adds to the difficulty of trying to forecast total production with harvest happening in one part of the country while a different area is …

Brazil’s Second Crop Corn Troubles…What You Need to Know Read More »

Another Food Not Derived from Animals or Plants

A new dairy-free cheese from Superbrewed Foods joins a growing list of foods that are not derived from animals or plants but rather through microbes and the magic of anaerobic fermentation. It’s another layer in the “alternative” food and protein category that could actually prove to be more readily accepted by consumers than cell-based meat, …

Another Food Not Derived from Animals or Plants Read More »

Inflation, Real Estate, Politics and Investment Thoughts with special guest Joel Ross, CEO, Citadel Realty Advisors and author of the highly acclaimed “Ross Rant”

Joel Ross began his career in Wall St. as an investment banker in 1965, where he handled public offerings, mergers & acquisitions, leveraged buyouts, and other corporate advisory matters for a variety of clients. During the seventies he was CEO of North American operations for a UK based conglomerate where he acquired and oversaw six …

Inflation, Real Estate, Politics and Investment Thoughts with special guest Joel Ross, CEO, Citadel Realty Advisors and author of the highly acclaimed “Ross Rant” Read More »